Sunday, May 8, 2011

Stick a fork in us, we're done!

     I didn't think we would ever make it to this day, but we did! As soon as I woke up that morning I was so nervous. I'm not sure why, but I was. I got there on time, which was two hours before the actual ceremony. We took a class picture in our cap and gowns. (I wish I had a picture of it).
     It hit me once again that I was almost a high school graduate when we lined up for the processional out front. To me, it was so weird to see people I've grown up with since middle school and then to graduate with them. It's hard to believe we've come so far.
     We walked in one at a time (which took forever) to the graduation march. Standing up on stage watching everyone come in I almost started crying. I'm such a sap. It doesn't take much for me to cry.
     Then the ceremony began. It went really well. The valedictorian and salutatorian did a wonderful job, as well as everyone else who spoke or preformed. Of course, I didn't pay attention to the whole thing because I was looking for my friends and family in the audience. I found them all. :)
     Then it was finally time to walk across stage and receive my diploma. What a wonderful feeling of accomplishment! (Once again, we don't have a picture of it...)
     After everyone received his or her diploma there was just an air of excitement which was celebrated by our class doing the wave. I hope it looked good. haha
     Once the final prayer was given it was time to move our tassels. A simple move from right to left now means we are no longer seniors, but once again freshman. I teared up alot at that. I'm not sure if it was because I was excited and happy or if it was because I'm now a freshman. I didn't like being a freshman the first time. haha
     As we walked out the back doors there was just an overwhelming excitement. This excitement continued as we walked outside to toss our caps. FYI, if you want to throw your hat, you have to pay attention cause I missed it. I was talking and next this I knew caps were flying everywhere while mine was still in my hand.
     Then more pictures with family and friends. Here they are.
 Katie: We've been friends since 2007 I think. She likes it when I sing to her. haha
 Kristina: We've become friends this year. I'm so excited about going to college together!
 Hallie: Friends since 10th grade I think. She is such a great friend!
 Me and my dad, Donathan
From left to right: Dad, me, Alyssa, Grant, Mom, Pa

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