Sunday, December 25, 2011

First Semester Wrap Up

     I thought I would update about what I have done since my Thanksgiving post, so here we go!
  • I've been hanging out with two of my very best friends, KP and Hal. I honestly have no idea what I would do without them. I am pretty sure that everyone thinks we are attached at the hip since we seem to go everywhere on campus together. And yes, sometimes we even dress alike...
We have decided that we are a package deal, we all come together.  Except when it comes to guys, then we're separate because we will NOT be sister wives. ;)
  • Hal and I helped decorate Christmas cookies at the BCM on campus and helped deliver them to our sororities and fraternities. We decorated a lot of cookies, but had a lot of fun.

Most of the cookies
  • We had our first snow. Class was not cancelled though. :(

From the dorm

  • And last, but certainly not least, I completed my first semester of college. :) This first semester has been wonderful, and honestly, I kinda miss school, but I am defiantly appreciating break more than I ever have.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Something Tells Me...

     Something tells me I should clean my room... Maybe it is because this is what my room looks like...
That box is full of clean clothes that just need to be put away.

Those clothes on the couch, yeah, they need to be put away too...
 The fridge in the hallway is also a reminder that I should clean my room...
     So before you go jumping to conclusions about me being a total slob, let me explain.  I have moved out my dorm (bittersweet) since I can't afford to live there next semester.  That is why my room is a mess.  I have too much stuff and no idea where to put it.  Okay okay, the clothes go in the closet, but I just haven't gotten around to it. 

Oh wait! I did clean my desk off!Twice...
     The first time was because it was messy.  The second time was because I spilled water ALL over it.  Thankfully, the only place that was dry was around my laptop.  But sadly, the water spilled onto and into my rented textbook... That ruined my night. 

     Just thought I'd give you a lovely peek into my wonderfully messy life. :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011


For the month of November I thought I would keep a list of things God has blessed me with and I'm thankful for in a cute little notebook. Besides things I'm thankful for, I also wrote some Bible verses that deal with thankfulness, praise and things God is teaching me in my life.  So today, since I'm bored out of my gourd, I thought I'd post all of them on here with some pictures from this month.  I will post them by each day of the month that I wrote. Some days, I only listed one thing, other days I filled up the whole page.  I pray that as you read through these you will think of all your blessings and thank God for them. Oh! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  • I'm thankful for college so I can have an education.
  • I'm thankful for friends who love and support me.

  •   I'm thankful for the BCM
  •  I'm thankful we can worship without persecution.
  •  I'm thankful my mom chose life.
  •  I'm thankful for the many women who have taught me and supported me. 
  • I'm thankful for God's perfect holy word and forgiveness.

Psalm 32:1
"How blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sin is covered!"

  • I'm thankful for the strength and courage God gives.
  • I'm thankful for church leaders who love and care for their members.
  • I'm thankful for the sweet children who attend the school I tutor at and how they are excited to see me and tell me their stories with such excitement.
  • I'm thankful for the fall leaves and how beautiful it looks as you drive down the highway.
  • I'm thankful for God's peace.
  • I'm thankful for my mom and how I can tell her everything.
  • I'm thankful for God's word.

Psalm 40:1-3
"I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, and He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; many will see and fear and trust in the Lord."
  • I'm thankful for our pastor.
  • I'm thankful for David (my step dad). I don't know what I would do without him.
  • I'm thankful for my sister and how we are becoming friends instead of sisters.

  • I'm thankful for my little brother and what a blessing he is to me.
  • I'm thankful I was able to be sick at home instead of the dorm.
  • I'm thankful for cool pens that make writing fun.
  • I'm thankful for Netflix so I have something to do while I'm sick.
  • I'm thankful for Hal and KP who have checked on me to make sure I was OK.
Psalm 65:4
"How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You to dwell in your courts. We will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your holy temple."
  • I'm thankful for my little brother who holds my hand at night.
  • I'm thankful for books.
  • I'm thankful for my mommy.
  • I'm thankful that God is sovereign and in control of all things.
  • I'm thankful once again for Hal &KP.
  • I'm thankful for my awesome Henna tattoo that helps me share the Gospel.
  • I'm thankful for my rain boots.
  • I'm thankful for how God knows what is best for my life.
  • I'm thankful for Bake.
  • I'm thankful for sleeping in, even though it means I miss a class.
  • I'm thankful I can "study" with Mary Grace.
  • I'm thankful for the smell of coffee.
  • I'm thankful for getting out of class early.
  • I'm thankful for God's amazing grace and strength.

My birthday cake

Psalm 66:16 and 20
"Come and hear, all who fear God, and I will tell of what he has done for my soul."
"Blessed be God, who has not turned away my prayer nor His lovingkindness from me."
  • I'm thankful for God's hope and peace He gives me.
  • I'm thankful I'm redeemed through God's grace.
  • I'm thankful God gives second chances and doesn't kill us right when we sin.
  • I'm thankful for the good day I had tutoring.
Psalm 67:1
"God be gracious to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us."
  • I'm thankful for Heaven and Jesus' return. How glorious it will be!
  • I'm thankful for Granny and how wonderful she was.
  • I'm thankful for all the things God has taught me this past year.
  • I'm thankful for my super comfy bed.
  • I'm thankful for razors so it's not "No-Shave November" all the time. ;)
  • I'm thankful for my new huge desk.

  • I'm thankful for another year.
  • I'm thankful for God's super natural courage he gives to me.
  • I'm thankful for answered prayers.
  • I'm thankful for my wonderful church family.
  • I'm thankful for my many friends that love me.
  • I'm thankful for the youth minister and his wife and how much they have invested and impacted my life.
  • I'm thankful for prayer.
  • I'm thankful for dancing and laughter.
  • I'm thankful for all the adorable things my little brother says.

  • I'm thankful for David and how he loves me.
  • I'm thankful that he helped me with math today.
  • I'm thankful friendships can happen even if it's not the way you want it to be.
  • I'm thankful that there are only two days of school this week.
  • I'm thankful that I have so much to be thankful for!
Psalm 92:1
"It is good to give thanks to the Lord and to sing praises to Your name, O Lord High."
  • I'm thankful that I have friends in my art class so I don't loose my mind.
  • I'm super thankful that I was able to get the classes I wanted for next semester on the days and times I wanted. That was truly from God.
  • I'm thankful for rain boots, umbrellas and my U of M sweatshirt, especially when they're together.
  • I'm thankful for International Students.
  • I'm thankful for the Gospel and how it changes peoples lives.
  • I'm thankful for breaks from school.
  • I'm thankful for rest, showers and beds.
  • I'm thankful for my sock monkey footy pajamas.

Psalm 118:24
"This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
  • I'm thankful for the faces around the dinner table today.

Thank you Lord for everything You have done for me.

Friday, November 18, 2011

It Is Not Death To Die

     As most of you know, a year ago today my grandma (Granny) passed away after a seven month battle with Pancreatic cancer.  Cancer is something that I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy. It is a horrible sickness that is absolutely devastating.  However, I don't want this post to be about how much I hate cancer(even though I do), but I want it to be about how wonderful my Granny was and what God has taught me through this. 
     I don't think people understand just how close I was to my Granny.  I saw her EVERYDAY of my life until we moved to Memphis about six years ago.  Almost every memory I have as a child involves my Granny.  Granny and I were just alike, I even am today.  I get my feelings hurt over petty things that don't matter.  I like to shop. I like the color pink.  It takes me forever to tell a story because I like to tell all the little details that don't matter.  My mom says that all these things skipped a generation and went straight from Granny to me. I believe it. 

     Granny loved all five of her grandchildren and would do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for them.  This would include buying us clothes and toys and fudge rounds.  She taught the boys how to drive.  She took care of us when we were sick.  But the thing that showed she loved us the most was how when one of us was having a hard time she would pray for us.  She often didn't know what to say so she would just say, "Lord help em, help em Lord."  She would tell us all the time while patting (more like beating) us on the arm, "I love you so good!!" There was never any doubt in my mind that she loved me.
Granny loved to sing.  She taught us to sing Amazing Grace, probably her favorite song.  I can't sing it today without tearing up and sometimes sobbing like a baby.  It wasn't until recently that I realized just how much that song means to me personally.  After she passed away, we found some old tapes that she had made.  One of them was me and her singing Amazing Grace when I was about four.  That song will forever be ingrained in my heart because of her. 
     My Granny was an outstanding woman.  I could write a whole book about her and all the memories I have of her. But I want to talk about her battle.  She was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer on April 1.  Not once did she ever verbally ask God why.  She constantly said, "I will praise God in the good times and the bad times." She listened to the song Blessed Be Your Name. (Listen here )
She was at peace the entire time.  She understood that God was in control.  She also loved the song  You Never Let Go. Grab your tissues. She clung to God during this difficult time.  Even when things started to go down hill she still trusted Him, probably more than we did. 
     During this time, I was somewhat angry with God.  I was being selfish and self centered.  I was thinking,"This is my senior year and I'm missing out on all the fun things." One perfect example of this was one night our youth group was having a formal night out.  I was really looking forward to going, but we ended up staying with my grandparents instead.  I was really bummed and upset. I moped around the house all day.  That afternoon she called me into her room so I went wondering what she wanted.  She just wanted me to lay in the bed with her and hold her hand. So I did.  We laid there for about an hour just holding hands. I realized how selfish I was being and I understood that this was one of the last time I would ever do this with her again. Oh what I would do to be able to just hold her hand one more time! This just goes to show how much of a sinner I am.  My grandma was battling cancer and loosing and I was thinking about the stupid formal night out I was missing! My heart aches when I think about my selfishness. 
    On November 18, 2010, two days before my 18th birthday, Granny passed away.  I was there and as morbid and horrible as death is, it was one of the most beautiful moments. She took her last breath on earth and her first breath in Heaven.  We mourned and grieved that she was no longer with us but rejoiced at the same time that she was not longer in pain.  I can honestly say, my heart has never hurt that much in my entire life and I hope it never does again. 
    Once she passed away, those next few hours were torture to me.  Just thinking about them  makes me sob with violent tears.  Watching the funeral people take her out of the house is forever marked in my memory.  I would love to forget that memory. 
     Two days later, on my 18th birthday, was her funeral and burial.  I struggled that day.  I just kept thinking about how she should be with us celebrating my birthday.  Needless to say, that day was not a great birthday.  My heart hurts as I type this since I'm reliving it. 
     However, through all of this God has taught me amazing things.  Before Granny became really sick, I was questioning God. Not many people know this.  I kept asking God, "If you're real show yourself to me!" Boy did he ever and not the way that I expected.  God has taught me that He is God and most importantly, He is in charge of ALL things. He knows what He's doing. Through my grandmother's life I see how He worked to teach me many things.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God loves me and has saved me from the wretched person I am.  It was nothing that I did, but all Christ and his amazing grace.  I now understand why Amazing Grace was so important to Granny.  It told her story. If you have made it this far, I would like for you to take a minute to actually listen to the song.  And I mean REALLY listen to it. Listen to the words of the song.  Amazing Grace Have you been saved by God's amazing grace?

     Another important lesson this has taught me is that Heaven is all the more sweeter.  Before this, I was kind of scared of Heaven.  Now because I have a better understanding of God and I have someone waiting their for me, I'm super pumped about Heaven.  I'm not sure if this is biblical, but I like to think about her waiting for me and when I get there she'll  grab my hand and say, "Come see Jesus!!!" and we'll take off running together down the streets of gold  and right up to God and Jesus on the throne. Then we'll fall on our faces together and worship God in the perfect way.  Super excited!!
     Shortly after she passed away I stumbled across this song.  It is Not Death to Die. This pretty much sums up my thoughts.  As we approach Thanksgiving this year, I have so much to be thankful for.  One of those is my grandma and how Jesus has concurred death,  and to know she is with Him. 
     If you read all of this, thank you. I have tried to be as honest as possible. I have even mentioned some things that even my parents don't know about.  I know I rambled alot, but I have alot on my mind.  But as I said in the beginning, I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. However, I do wish God's overhwelming peace that I know on everyone.  It is so amazing, I can't even describe it.  God is so holy and wonderful.  I could go on for days, but I'll leave you with this.
"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!"

Friday, September 30, 2011

My 1st Month of College

     Just a heads up, this blog might end up being pretty long, but I'm going to try to make it well organized.  So with that being said, I've been in college a little over a month now and let me tell you friend, it is really a journey. There will also be some pictures of tigers to break up the monotony of this post since I haven't been able to take alot of pictures. Also, since I like easy to read posts, I'm going to use some bullet points so you can follow along with me on my new journey.
  • In order to understand how I felt on the first day of college, we must go back 12 years to my first day of 1st grade. On my first day of first grade I cried and bawled and screamed basically so bad. They had to get the principal since I would calm down. I even think they had to get my cousin who was a grade above me to try to sooth me. Now, just to be clear, I did not cry on my first day of college! I just distinctly remember having the same feeling in my stomach as I did in first grade.
1st Day of College
Since I was on my own I had to take my own 1st day picture. :(

  • A few days later, I got to be part of a group called Frosh Frenzy. We got to go out on the football field before the game and wave at everybody before the game started. While we were there it was fun, but looking back it was kinda cheesy, but oh well. The game, however, was a different story... It was extremely hot and crowded and we got eaten alive by some Bulldogs. It was pitiful. My friends and I would have left, but we rode the bus to the game and no way of getting back to campus. Oh well, it is a memory, no matter if it was enjoyable or not.

Standing on the field

  • Oh! On the first or second day of classes was pretty much introductions in the smaller classes.  We had to as each other a series of questions in one class then stand up and share them about the person we asked. These questions were random, but of course included our names and what school we graduated from. So the person who interviewed me stood to tell about me. This is how it went. Student:"This is Hannah, she was homeschooled..." and before she could get in another word, another student jumped in and said,"OH! So is this like your first time in a social environment?!" :o Seriously people?!?! I wish I would have done something clever like jump up, scream "WHAT?! THIS IS A SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT?!" and run out the door. But I simply replied that I did not live under a rock so no this was not my first time, nor was it my first time being in a classroom, nor the first time seeing day light for that matter! *insert rolly eyes here*
  • In another class, we had to interview each other once again. When I told the other student I was homeschooled for most of my school she simply replied, "I couldn't do that... cause that's weird."

  • Now I'll explain about the tigers. This year is the University's 100th year as a college. So in order to celebrate, there are events all throughout this year. One of them included the tigers. There were 100 tigers, one for each year the University has been "alive".  These tigers were placed all around campus for a few days. They were super neat to look at.  There are only a few left on campus because the others have gone to local businesses all over the counties who have paid for them.  Pretty neat if you ask me.
  • I've had to do alot of little projects. One of which was a poster. I like doing things like that since it's like scrapbooking. This is how it turned out.

Things I've learned so far:
  • I can't use a comma correctly to save my life...But I'm trying.
  • Teachers must think it's cool to curse in class cause some do it quite frequently.
  • The earth is 4.5 billion years old (LIES!!)
  • I have no idea who Jon Stewart is...even after I read a 14 page article about him. However, I don't think I'm missing much...
  • I'm grumpy when I don't get enough sleep and naps are my best friend.
  • I DO NOT like iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts because guess what? It tastes like coffee. *gag*
  • I'm trying to get involved with the campus' Baptist group. I've joined a freshman girls Bible study and even though we've only met one week, I'm already enjoying it. It will be great. I'm also enjoying the weekly worship service they hold. This past week, the preacher who spoke said some things that really stuck in my mind. He said something along the lines of Go on and study astronomy, but remember that Jesus is the Bright and Morning Star. Go on and study zoology, but remember that Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Go on and study history, but remember that Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He listed many things, but these are the ones I can remember. I just thought that was really neat.
  • I'll leave you with this. Today I saw something that was uber encouraging. I was walking to get a donut after class, which never happens. As I was walking I could hear a man yelling. Every few words I could hear that he was saying "Jesus", but I couldn't tell if he was using His name is a holy way or in a way that was wrong. So I decided to check it out. I kept walking and finally got close enough to hear and see. I wish I would have taken a picture, but I didn't so I'll try to explain it the best way I can. Standing on top of a chair in the middle of all these people was a young man preaching the Gospel at the top of his lungs. He was yelling as loud as he could and was loosing his voice. It reminded me so vividly of John the Baptist saying," Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matthew 3:2) Just to see him be so bold was encouraging, but also to see that people were stopping to actually listen made it even better. 
  • I also noticed that there were people sitting and standing around with their Bibles waiting to counsel students who had questions and such. And that was actually going on! I sat down next to one of those ladies and asked what group they were with. She told me that the guy is actually from the seminary here in town and that he felt like God was telling him that he needed to come out and preach like that. It was just an encouragement to me and totally made my day and I guess I got more than just a donut. :) 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Frazzled College Student

     I know I haven't blogged in a while, but my world has changed. I've been in college for two weeks now so blogging is not on my to do list right now. However, something happened today that I just had to blog about. Sorry, there will be no pictures for this blog since I don't carry around my camera around with me like I use to.
     Anyway, two friends and I decided to go to our BCM's (Baptist Collegiate Ministry) worship service tonight. We planned on meeting in their dorm lobby at 7:45pm to head over there to be there a little before 8pm. I had been working on homework before getting ready. Once I finished one task I realized I needed to get ready to go. Once I was ready to go I fiddled around killing time. I decided to leave for their dorm a tad early and just walk slow. So I did that.
     I reached their dorm, texted them and said,"I'm here." She replied saying,"Come to the UC." Now, the UC is a good walk from the dorms, heading away from where we needed to go, the BCM. I start walking over there mumbling under my breath the whole time about how "I can't believe I have to walk all the way over there. Now we're going to be late! Great! Why does she even want me to walk over there?!"
     Once I meet up with them, I see that they have just started eating dinner. Again, in my mind I'm complaining. I sit down, out of breath, and act calm. I think I then said something about what are we doing here. They then informed me that it was only 6:45. I was a stinkin hour early!!
     Now you may think this is funny, like my friends did,  but I find it to be sad. Why you may ask? Because I did the same thing yesterday! I had to be at class at 5:30, so to be a little early, I put on my shoes, grabbed my backpack and looked at the clock. It was only 4:30... I just laughed at myself and put everything down and started studying again.
     I think this has happened because I'm afraid of being late to class. I once heard someone say something like this,"If you're late, don't even bother coming. If you're on time, you're late. If you're early, you're on time." I hope this "being on time (hour early) thing" won't be a continual occurrence in my college life...
     Anyway, I hope this made you laugh as it did me. I'll let you know if it happens again. :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day of Disney

Just a heads up, this post is packed with pictures.
We had an hour car ride to and from Disney each day which meant there was plenty of time for excitement to build.
Sissa was excited.


Buddy was so excited he started singing his song again. "We're going to Forda!" I quickly pulled out my camera to take a picture of him dancing and smiling, but as soon as he saw my camera he made a dull face and plainly said, "I am not excited."

We parked, got in line, got out of line since Dad forgot to lock the doors, got back in line, boarded the tram, unloaded the tram, loaded the ferry and rode. Talk about a stressful way just to get to the park. I now know why Disney is called the happiest place on earth. Why you might ask? Because they stress you out with all of the transportation, baggage checks and what not that by the time you finally get into the park (about 30 mins later) you are just so relived to be inside. You don't want to leave because then you have to go through all those things again.
Ok, that was a little exaggerated. It wasn't really that bad, but it wasn't as easy as pie.
Here are some pictures from the ferry ride with my two favorite siblings. ;)

Once we were finally inside the park and had located a restroom we watched a cute little show of some singers and dancers performing to that song about the trolley. It's a super cute song. To listen to it click here.

One of the first things we noticed about Disney was that we may be in America, but I think we were the only ones who spoke English in the whole place. There were all kinds of languages.
Another thing I noticed was that every other person has these awesome buttons that said, "1st Visit". I was determined to get one. If I had a dollar for every time I said I wanted one of those buttons, I wouldn't have to get a loan for college.
I don't have a transition for the next pictures, so here they are.

I hate to burst your bubble, but the castle is actually pretty small... I was sad.
To start out we rode Peter Pan, Mickey's Philharmagic, Dumbo, and the Tea Cups.

The Spinning Tea Cups were my favorite. Buddy and Sissa both enjoyed it. I was expecting them to cry...But they were great sports and did not rain on my parade.
Speaking of rain, right before we ate lunch the sky just opened up and poured. It was quite entertaining to watch people run from the rain like they were going to melt.

While eating lunch I found a hidden Mickey. I was so stinkin proud of myself. (I know, pride is a sin.)

What we did after lunch is a blur. I do know we stood in line for about 30 mins to get Buzz Lightyear's autograph. The line didn't seem that long since I was trying to figure out if the lady in front of me was from England or Australia. They both sound alike to me, however, I decided that she was from Australia since she called her little brother mate. :)
I look like a hunchback...
Here are some more pictures of the castle.

We stopped and listened to a show at the castle. It was pretty cheesy and all about following your dreams. Dad said it sounded like a Joel Osteen sermon. I do agree with Dad, but I'm a sucker for musicals.

We rode a bunch of other rides like It's a Small World. I also found another hidden Mickey in there, but no one believed me. It continued to rain on and off all day.
Oh yeah, remember that button I mentioned earlier. I finally got one. Right as we were leaving that is. The best part was they were free. :)

Now that I have the button and I'm home, I have no idea what to do with it.