Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Buddy

     I'll admit it, I love my little brother to pieces. (I love my little sister too and will blog about her soon). But Buddy has been saying some pretty stinkin funny things lately and I wanted to share them. I'll mix in some pictures (that may or may not have to do with what I'm talking about) while I talk about him.
     To start us off let me share something he said the other day. He found a shower cap while we were cleaning out closets, put it on and announced to us that he was,"Robin Neighborhood!!"

     A few minutes ago he cried because I wouldn't share my remaining graduation money with him.

Look at those cheeks!
     He likes to wear deodorant. He'll then ask you to smell his muscles.

He loves Toy Story

He knows he needs a hair cut when he can look up and see his hair. He will also inform you that he needs one.

He LOVES anything that is sweet, even icing.
If we are in church or a church like setting, 9 times out of 10, he falls asleep about 5 minutes into it.

I have two for this picture. First his feet. You know how there is always that one person who when they take their shoes off and everyone gags? Yeah, well I hope he grows out of that. Who knew such sweet feet could smell SO bad!
He LOVES LOVES LOVES sports! Anything that has a ball involved. Football, basketball, soccer, golf, volleyball, baseball, you name it.

This picture wouldn't turn for some reason.

He adores my rain boots. He likes to wear them sometimes, but what he really enjoys is "fighting" them. He will box at them until they fall over. Keeps him entertained for hours.

He can beat his sister in bowling and the youth minister in Wii golf.
He enjoys helping, well he use to.
Earlier, I asked him if he had pooped. He then proceeded to sniff my arm and say,"Nope, that's just you."
His laughter is contagious.

I would dare to say that he loves his Nannah to pieces too. I hope he'll always call me Nannah and want to hold my hand even when it's "not cool".
To me, he'll always be, my Buddy.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Countdown to Disney 2nd Edition

     I know I said I would try to update at the beginning of each week. Well I forgot. I even forgot to pull the tickets off of the countdown (even though I walk past it each day).
     So for all my countdown buddies, or buddy, there are.... drum roll please....
     The tickets are getting shorter each day, that is if I remember to pull them off.
                                                 Woohoo! Only 10 more days until Disney!!


       I was going to write a post about my church's VBS, but I have a slim amount of pictures to choose from and I didn't know what to write about since I worked with 2 and 3 year olds. However, I do have a picture to share for that week. The theme was a beach theme so everything coordinated with something to do about the beach. For our snack one day we had Octodogs, a hot dog that looks like an octopus. Enjoy! :)

Bowl of Octodogs

Friday, July 8, 2011

Wacky Wednesday at Salvation Army

     I'll admit it, thrift stores are my favorite place to shop. Guilty as charged. I hate spending money, that I don't usually have, therefore thrift stores are the best. A few days ago, my friend, who has asked to be called Alice, and I went to our local Salvation Army store. We needed clothes for an event at church that we didn't care about them getting messy. Wednesday happens to be called Wacky Wednesday because everything in the store is half off.
     Alice and I decided that scrubs would be the best choice for messy clothes. We found some and headed towards the dressing room.
     This was the sign in the dressing room....
     My first thought was, "If they put that sign up, that means someone used a dressing room as a restroom..." I just hope it wasn't the one we were in...
     I've always wanted to wear some scrubs.  However, after trying them on, I decided they were not working for me.

Alice as a mermaid

      Alice found some scrubs that she thought would be really comfortable since they were way to big. We had some fun with these.

Alice got in one pant leg and I got in the other. We laughed until we almost peed our pant leg. I'm sad to say that we did not buy the scrubs. Maybe some other day.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Countdown to Disney!

     For the past few weeks, my mom has been telling me and my siblings how many more weeks until we leave for Disney World.  Today, she informed us that there are about 4 1/2 more weeks. She then came up with an idea for a countdown; tickets.  She took a roll of tickets and wrote on the back of each one. It looks like this.
     Each day we will tear off one until we reach the last one that says, "Today is the day!". So for those who want to countdown with us, there are...

31 more days!

(I will not be updating about the countdown every day because that would be too overwhelming. However, I may post about it at the beginning of each week.)

Fourth of July Frosty

     For some reason, the Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. I'll let you know why when I figure it out for myself.  I never really do anything on the actual 4th though. Yesterday, my day consisted of hanging out at Bake's house with his family. (I love his family). They made a wonderful lunch.  After we ate lunch we just sat around and watched TV.  Once we recovered from eating, Bake and I went shopping. Shopping proved to be somewhat difficult since Target was pretty much the only place open...
     While we were trying to figure out what to do next, Bake decided he wanted a Frosty since I had a free Frosty key chain. I'm pretty sure Bake was pumped about getting a Frosty. Imagine his surprise when this is what he got.
     Yes my friends, the Frosty was the same size as a gift card. No wonder the thing was free.

Poor Bake :(

Sunday, July 3, 2011


     When I was younger, I was one of those kids who thought it was cool to dress like other people. Not just mimic their style, but dress exactly like them. Same color shirt, same color pants, same kind of shoes, etc. As I have gotten older I have learned that this is no longer the "cool" thing to do. My sister, however, is still learning.
     A few days ago I came downstairs to run an errand with my family. My sister and I both stopped and stared at each other. We weren't dressed exactly alike, but close enough.

Same color scheme counts

     Yesterday, I came downstairs to go to some fireworks with my family and did the same thing with my mom, stopped and stared.

     My mom, being the loving mom she is, went and changed. I simply found this to be comical and thought I would shine a tidbit of light into my everyday life. :)