Sunday, May 22, 2011

Down Home Roots

     A few weeks ago my family and I went back to our home town, Cookeville, TN, to visit my grandpa. I thought I'd write a little bit about what I did while I was there. Ya know, just in case someone cares.
     While I was there it just so happened that it was Senior Night at my old elemntary school. All the graduating seniors of this year go back and talk with old teachers and hang out.
The billboard had pictures of us from when we were in K-4th grade.
     As we signed in we recieved a letter that we had written to our future selves in 4th grade. In this letter, we wrote about what we think we would do in the future. I wrote," I see myself in 8 years going to college to become a teacher. 12 years getting ready to teach kingergarten." This made me smile since I will be majoring in education this fall and hopefully teacher kindergarden in a few years.
     I concluded my letter with a list of boys I had had a crush on. The second one on the list simply said, "A 6th grader". I'm so glad I have a level head now.
     Later that night, we all took an informal tour of the school. This resulted in alot of laughter and old memories.
I wish I had a picture of us when we were in elemetary school, but I'm too lazy to scan it.

     After Senior Night, we met up with my Grandpa, who we call "Pa" and his uh "friend-girl"  to eat dinner.
My grandparents were married for 52 years. 6 months ago my Grandma, "Granny", lost her battle with cancer. Ever since then Pa has been a complete mess to be honest. He had no one to talk to and nothing to do except cry. It was pitiful. About a month ago, an old family friend became an answer to my prayers.  They began going out to eat and hanging out like two teenagers. After a long talk they came to the conclusion that they are, as Pa put it, "going steady". Pa is in such a better mood now that he has her to call and hang out with.

Aren't they cute?
I have to tell the story that comes along with her, who we call Ma. So when I was about 3 or 4 years old, Granny and I would go to Wal-Mart almost everyday and we would go down Ma's check out line. Well one time Ma said to me, "You have the meanest ole Pa in the world." Well that broke my heart. I started sobbing and through my tears I told her, "Don't you talk about my Pa!" You should hear the way she talks about my Pa now. ;)

     Another thing we did was help clean out the house. Granny kept EVERYTHING... As I was going through my things I found some items that made me smile.

Those are my foot prints on my dad's hospital attire right after I was born.

A picture I drew of my family. I was probably 9 or 10. My art skills haven't improved much...

And finally, I went to lunch with my dad. When I was younger, my favorite place to eat with him was the Algood Diner.
(For those of you who don't know, Algood and Cookeville are equal to Bartlett and Memphis, except when we pulled up to the diner we parked across the street, left the widows down and the door unlocked.).
(Warning: This photo make cause you to drool excessivly)

It was even better than I rememberd.

My dad could not understand why I was taking a picture of my food. I said," So I can blog about it." To which he replied, "What's a blog?" I tried to explain, but he just ended up shaking his head at me. Oh well.


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