Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rest of Louisiana

          I am very, very, behind on this whole blogging thing. I'm going to just blog about the rest of my trip to LA because I'm starting to forget details.
     Day 3: My family and I left Baton Rouge to go to my Uncle's house. The drive was about three hours and there was nothing to look at so I slept basically the whole way.  When we got there we just sat around and talked and some of us swam. (I do not remember if I was one of those persons...)
      Later that night we went to Johnny's Pizza. This pizza place has the best pizza I've ever eaten. We always make it a priority to eat there when we're in Louisiana.

Thanks Dad.
     After we ate we decided to go to Academy Sports (alot like Dick's Sporting Goods). While shopping, I found the perfect pair of tennis shoes for an amount I was willing to spend. However, me being the indecisive person I am (that's another blog all in it's self.) I decided to think about it and consider my options before buying them.

     Day 4:  The next morning when I woke up there was Chick-fil-a for breakfast. The girls (my sister and cousin) were already in the pool, and had been for a while. (Remember that)
     Next we headed to the cemetery. About 2 years ago, my Mamaw passed away and this would be our first time to see her grave marker. Whoever picked it out did a good job. :)

     When we left there we passed a gas station. This may seem like no big deal, but to me it screams Icee! Almost every gas station in Louisiana sells Icees. So of course we stopped and got one.

Highlight of my day. :)
 Next up was to get some Mayhaw Jelly from Dave's Corner. I'm not sure what a Mayhaw is, but it makes good jelly.
Buying Mayhaw Jelly
     By this time in the day it is about lunchtime, maybe a little later. When we return to my Uncle's house the girls are still in the pool. We ate lunch and all of us went swimming. We got out to get ready for dinner.(Probably around 6ish) When I walk in the house to change clothes the girls are lying on the couch and floor, shivering under blankets. You guessed it, the girls had been in the pool ALL day with no sunscreen on. They were pretty miserable the rest of the night. The picture doesn't even do it justice.
    Anyway, we went to a BBQ place called "Iron Horse". They had Memphis Taco's on their menu. I have lived in Memphis for almost 6 years and have never heard of such a thing. If I live under a rock and Memphis Taco's do exist, someone please tell me.
    While at Iron Horse, Buddy didn't want to color his picture... So I did. They hung it on the wall too. :)

Ok, they put everyone elses up too, but still...
      Next stop, Orange Leaf, a self-serve frozen yogurt place. What is it with the frozen yogurt craze that is sweeping the nation? It was pretty good. I think my favorite part was the spoons shaped like shovels. :) Outside, we had someone take a family picture of all of us.
     On the way home, the girls fell asleep in the back seat. What makes the picture cute is that when they were about 3 and 4 they did the same thing. I'm not sure where that picture is or I would put it one here.
     Day 5: What went down: We woke up, packed, said goodbyes, and left. I don't have any pictures from the last day so it's pretty cut and dry. On the way out we stopped by Academy for me to get those tennis shoes I had stressed about. Go figure that they didn't have my size! I was NOT a happy camper. It took me at least an hour to get over it. (I know, I'm a big baby.) After that we made our way back home.
                                                     All in all, it was a good trip.

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