Sunday, August 21, 2011

On the Road Again

     On Saturday we began our second leg of the trip. I'll skip telling you about the car ride because once again, it was boring. However, I do have a picture to share with you from the car ride.

Are those not the cutest cheeks ever?!

     Once we finally arrived in the town where we were staying our anticipation rose a notch. We were so close to the beach, but yet couldn't see it yet. But, we did see a peacock crossing the road.* I had NO idea that peacocks lived in Florida. (I'm not sure where I thought they lived for that matter.) They were all over the place. It was a pretty neat experience.

*No animals were harmed during the making of this blog*
     We finally made it! Once we reached the condo it was a blur of rushing to the bathrooms, unpacking and oooing and ahhing over the view of the ocean and just how cute the condo was. Of course, after all that was over with we had to make a Wal-Mart run for food and some sunglasses. Yes, I lost mine...again. After dinner and cleaning up, it was time to head for the beach!
     The sand was like walking on powdered sugar, it was marvelous.

Buddy was not to sure about the water once we started putting our feet in. He said it was going to make him go under. Once I showed him that simply standing in the water was okay, he was all for it. He really enjoyed jumping over the waves as they rolled in.     

1 comment:

  1. Hannah,

    I am thoroughly enjoying your Disney trip posts, even though I've only seen two days. I know you are busy getting ready for college. Thanks for commenting on my blog.
